The bioZen Nano Columns utilize core-shell particles with a highly consistent morphology that minimizes band broadening associated with diffusion and mass transfer, leading to higher efficiency and minimal peak widths, which enhances the separation for omics analysis. The newest addition to the bioZen portfolio utilizes either high efficiency core-shell or thermally modified fully porous particles to obtain better peak width and peak shapes, for overall higher sensitivity and improved omics analysis.
bioZen Nano’s fully integrated SecurityLINK™ fingertight fitting system simplifies your system connections while providing consistent performance through Torque Limiting Technology that prevents overtightening or undertightening making every connection leak-free.

System Compatibility
BioZen Nano Columns with integrated SecurityLINK Fittings were designed to be compatible with the majority of systems that are available on the market today (Thermo EASY-nLC, Thermo UltiMate 3000 RSLCnano, Waters
UPLC nanoACQUITY, Waters UPLC M-Class, Thermo Orbitrap). Compatible with any System with 1/16 inch Ports.